Jack Kerouac Quotes

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...Cody is furiously explaining to his little son Tim 'Never let the right hand know what your left hand is doing'...Page 100.

Jack Kerouac
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Similar Quotes by Jack Kerouac

...Cody is furiously explaining to his little son Tim 'Never let the right hand know what your left hand is doing'...Page 100.

Jack Kerouac, Big Sur
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The buzzing was like the eager purr of a muscle car that had just been started, but left in neutral. That was another of Cody’s metaphors for it; I’d said the sensation felt like an unbalanced washing machine filled with a hundred epileptic chimpanzees. Pretty proud of that one.

Brandon Sanderson, Steelheart
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I glanced up at the trees too. Dead. Every one of them gray and white, needles rusted, leaves shriveled at the tips of branches. All the life sucked out of them. Not just the trees. All the plants, ferns, grasses and brush were shriveled, brown, barren.As if a month of winter had set down right here in my driveway and gone on a killing spree...."Love what you've done with the landscape," Cody said. "You could open your own business, you know."..."The hell you talking about, Miller?" I asked Cody."Yard care. You're poison and weed whacker all in one. You can call it Death to All Shrubbery.

Devon Monk, Stone Cold
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I'm lucky to have my dad in my life. He's very brilliant, I think he's really a smart man, and he's a kind guy.

Cody Horn
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I absolutely relate to being alone in squalor, trying to come up with something adequate. I relate to that, and I've been known to crawl out of bed and drink out of a 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke.

Diablo Cody
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There's something magical about spending a Sunday night watching real people at a deli, then watching fake people pretending to be real on TV, then engaging in (arguably) false interaction with (arguably) real people on the Internet. Never at any prior point in time has this been possible.

Diablo Cody
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I hear that 5 o'clock whistle in my mind like Fred Flintstone and I have to stop. I'm also not much of a morning writer. I have a sweet spot from about 11am to 4pm. But I really work during that time.

Diablo Cody
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I wrote a screenplay for a 'Sweet Valley High' adaptation, and it's really amazing to me how many women who are my age have responded to the idea and are excited about the movie.

Diablo Cody
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You know, I did not like being famous. It was a stressful and ugly time, and I'm glad it's over.

Diablo Cody
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To enjoy being famous, you need to have a screw loose.

Diablo Cody
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