Jasna Horvat Quotes

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Još uvijek silno vjerujem u umjetnost kao medikament!

Jasna Horvat
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Još uvijek silno vjerujem u umjetnost kao medikament!

Jasna Horvat, Pismo u pismu
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Tko npr. formulira govor o Bogu Abrahamovu, Izakovu i Jakovljevu tako da se u njemu više ne čuje Jobov uzdisaj i tužaljka 'Ta dokle još?', taj se ne bavi teologijom nego mitologijom.

Johann Baptist Metz, Memoria passionis: Ein provozierendes Gedächtnis in pluralistischer Gesellschaft
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It is the same in life; the heart changes, and that is our worst misfortune; but we learn of it only from reading or by imagination; for in reality its alteration, like that of certain natural phenomena, is so gradual that, even if we are able to distinguish, successively, each of its different states, we are still spared the actual sensation of change.Lygiai taip gyvenime keičiasi ir mūsų širdis, ir tai skaudžiausia; tačiau patiriame tą skausmą tik skaitydami knygas, vaizduotėje; tikrovėje jos keitimasis, kaip ir kai kurių gamtos reiškinių vyksmas yra toks lėtas, kad nors ir galime konstatuoti kiekvieną atskirą būseną, paties keitimosi pajusti nepajėgiame.

Marcel Proust, Swann's Way
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I think this galaxy would be a whole lot nicer and more pleasant place to live if we all just stop killing one another. Who's with me on this?"A few chuckles and a couple of faux cheers were the response."You're a visionary," I-Five told him."Float it past Palpatine, see what he thinks," Uli suggested.

Michael Reaves, Jedi Healer
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Wal-Mart is so large, its reach so great, that it has created an ecosystem in which its suppliers and competitors, and their suppliers and competitors, and their customers, all operate. Wal-Mart sets the metabolism, it sets the rules, of that ecosystem. Wal-Mart has inexorably changed our expectations as shoppers—and the Wal-Mart effect also extends to consumers who never shop at Wal-Mart. Likewise, Wal-Mart has reshaped the companies that supply it—and it has also reset the pace and the competitive landscape even for companies that try to do business outside the Wal-Mart ecosystem.

Charles Fishman, The Wal-Mart Effect: How the World's Most Powerful Company Really Works - and How It's Transforming the American Economy
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Wal-Mart can't seem to grasp an essential fact: in 2006, the company has exactly the reputation it has earned. No, we don't give the company adequate credit for low prices. But the broken covenant Sam Walton had with how to treat store employees, the relentless pressure that hollows out companies and dilutes the quality of their products, the bullying of suppliers and communities, the corrosive secrecy, the way Wal-Mart has changed our own perception of price and quality, of value and durability--none of these is imaginary, or trivial, or easily changed with a fresh set of bullet points, an impassioned speech, and a website heavy with "Wal-Mart facts".If Wal-Mart does in fact double the gas mileage of its truck fleet, and thereby double the gas mileage of every long-haul truck in America, that will be huge. It will change gas consumption in the United States in a single stroke. But it hasn't happened yet. And even if it does, it will not make Wal-Mart a good company or a good corporate partner or a good corporate citizen.

Charles Fishman, The Wal-Mart Effect: How the World's Most Powerful Company Really Works - and How It's Transforming the American Economy
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Who better than Wal-Mart, after all, to make a kilowatt of electricity go twice as far, or a gallon of fuel move our trucks move three times the distance?" -Wal-Mart ad

Charles Fishman, The Wal-Mart Effect: How the World's Most Powerful Company Really Works - and How It's Transforming the American Economy
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Wal-mart has done such a superb job of austerity, from start to finish, that austerity is all that's left.

Charles Fishman, The Wal-Mart Effect: How the World's Most Powerful Company Really Works - and How It's Transforming the American Economy
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Every time you see the Wal-Mart smiley face, whistling and knocking down the prices, somewhere there's a factory worker being kicked in the stomach. - Sherrie Ford

Charles Fishman, The Wal-Mart Effect: How the World's Most Powerful Company Really Works - and How It's Transforming the American Economy
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For all the folks whose job it was to be ready for [Hurricane] Katrina, but who weren't, from the Oval Office, right down the chain of command to the New Orleans police department, Wal-Mart was a vivid reproach.

Charles Fishman, The Wal-Mart Effect: How the World's Most Powerful Company Really Works - and How It's Transforming the American Economy
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