Joseph Story Quotes

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A feeble executive implies a feeble execution of the government.

Joseph Story
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A feeble executive implies a feeble execution of the government.

Joseph Story
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I wonder where you got that idea from? I mean, the idea that it's feeble to change your mind once it's made up. That's a wrong idea, you know. Make up your mind about things, by all means - but if something happens to show that you are wrong, then it is feeble not to change your mind, Elizabeth. Only the strongest people have the pluck to change their minds, and say so, if they see they have been wrong in their ideas.

Enid Blyton, The Naughtiest Girl in the School
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A feeble body weakens the mind.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Superstition is the religion of feeble minds.

Edmund Burke
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Our reason may prove what it will: our reason is only a feeble ray that has issued from Nature.

Maurice Maeterlinck
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I am so miserable, there are so many questions, I can see no way out and am so wretched and feeble that I could lie forever on the sofa and keep opening and closing my eyes without knowing the difference.

Franz Kafka, Letters to Felice‎
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So finally we tumble into the abyss, we ask God why he has made us so feeble. But, in spite of ourselves, He replies through our consciences: 'I have made you too feeble to climb out of the pit, because i made you strong enough not to fall in.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Confessions
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My weakness has always been to prefer the large intention of an unskilful artist to the trivial intention of an accomplished one: in other words, I am more interested in the high ideas of a feeble executant than in the high execution of a feeble thinker.

Thomas Hardy
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Feeble is the character, that bows to inflated ego, arrogance, and whines of affluent, whilst raising itself mercilessly on the humble and underprivileged.

Aniruddha Sastikar
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A feeble body makes a feeble mind. I do not know what doctors cure us of, but I know this: they infect us with very deadly diseases, cowardice, timidity, credulity, the fear of death. What matter if they make the dead walk, we have no need of corpses; they fail to give us men, and it is men we need.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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