Billy o connor Quotes

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I am counting totally and completely on the Lord Jesus Christ, and not on Billy Graham. I am not going to heaven because I’ve read the Bible, nor because I’ve preached to a lot of people. I’m going to heaven because of what Christ did.

Billy Graham
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Someday you will read or hear that Billy Graham is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it! I shall be more alive than I am now. I will just have changed my address. I will have gone into the presence of God.

Billy Graham, Billy Graham in Quotes
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I must ask myself, “Billy Graham, are you prepared to meet the Master at any moment?” Yes, I am—but not because I have preached or tried to help people, but solely because I am trusting Christ as my Lord and Savior. Stop right now and ask yourself that question.

Billy Graham, Billy Graham in Quotes
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One day, Billy sat homeafter work and prayed,'Why oh why did you create methis way?The lion looked at Billy and answered,'first, you must love yourself. Be proud of yourself and jnow you are just as perfect as me.' 'Do not climb over others to reach your height. The more gentle you are, the more others will lift you up.'Billy like this answer and thanked the giraffe.'You are as big and as strong as me. Your job in the dungs is not easy. You have your own unique skills. Be in service and help others.' Billy liked this answer and thanked the elephant.

Elise Icten, Billy the Dung Beetle
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Billy covered his head with his blanket. He always covered his head when his mother came to see him in the mental ward - always got much sicker until she went away. It wasn’t that she was ugly, or had bad breath or a bad personality. She was a perfectly nice, standard-issue, brown-haired, white woman with a high school education.She upset Billy simply by being his mother. She made him feel embarrassed and ungrateful and weak because she had gone through so much trouble to give him life, and to keep that life going, and Billy didn’t really like life at all.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Slaughterhouse-Five
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Evil is present to cleverly disguise itself as good. Evil is present to control and deceive us.

Billy Graham, Billy Graham in Quotes
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Compromising and conforming to the world’sstandard is against God’s Word.

Billy Graham, Billy Graham in Quotes
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The Scripture teaches that popularity with the world means death. Satan’s most effective tool is conformity and compromise. He is aware that one man standing in the midst of a pagan peoplecan move more people in the direction of God than thousands of insipid professors of religion.

Billy Graham, Billy Graham in Quotes
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We are to renounce the evil influence of the world, the flesh, and the devil. There can be no parleying, bargaining, compromise, or hesitation. Christ demands total loyalty.

Billy Graham, Billy Graham in Quotes
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We see ourselves as self-sufficient, self-important, and self-sustaining. God sees us as dependent, self-centered, and self-deceived.

Billy Graham, Billy Graham in Quotes
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