Chants Quotes

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This place is packed with beautiful hipsters. While the Coney Island bombast radiated sincerity, everything here seems more ironic. When someone in the crowd ironically chants, 'USA!' someone else ironically chants back, 'Mother Russia.

Jon Ronson
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This place is packed with beautiful hipsters. While the Coney Island bombast radiated sincerity, everything here seems more ironic. When someone in the crowd ironically chants, 'USA!' someone else ironically chants back, 'Mother Russia.

Jon Ronson, Lost At Sea: The Jon Ronson Mysteries
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It was so funny, I witnessed this with my own eyes, Andy and the screw were like two WWF wrestlers, we were locked behind the grill gates cheering Andy on, the chants started. The chant was to the tune of Jingle Bells and went like this: Stab a screw, stab a screw, stab a screw today, all that fun it is to stab a screw on New Year’s Day, but it was only 29 December.

Stephen Richards, Scottish Hard Bastards
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Walking causes a repetitive, spontaneous poetry to rise naturally to the lips, words as simple as the sound of footsteps on the road. There also seems to be an echo of walking in the practice of two choruses singing a psalm in alternate verses, each on a single note, a practice that makes it possible to chant and listen by turns. Its main effect is one of repetition and alternation that St Ambrose compared to the sound of the sea: when a gentle surf is breaking quietly on the shore the regularity of the sound doesn’t break the silence, but structures it and renders it audible. Psalmody in the same way, in the to-and-fro of alternating responses, produces (Ambrose said) a happy tranquillity in the soul. The echoing chants, the ebb and flow of waves recall the alternating movement of walking legs: not to shatter but to make the world’s presence palpable and keep time with it. And just as Claudel said that sound renders silence accessible and useful, it ought to be said that walking renders presence accessible and useful.

Frédéric Gros, A Philosophy of Walking
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This prayer in praise of Lord Vishnu be,His incarnations graced earth constantly. शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशं विश्वाधारं गगनसदृश्यं मेघवर्णं शुभाङ्गम्।लक्ष्मीकान्तं कमलनयनं योगिभिर्ध्यानगम्यं वन्दे विष्णु भवभयहरं सर्वलोकैकनाथम्।I bow to Vishnu, Master of Universe unquestionably,Who rests on great serpent bed, peaceful perpetually,From His navel sprouts Lotus of Creative Power surely,He the Supreme Lord of cosmos undeniably does be.- 146 - He supports the entire universe and all-pervading be,He dark as clouds with beautiful Lakshmi form glowingly,He the lotus-eyed, whom yogis see by meditation only,He destroyer of `Samsar’ fear – the Lord of all `loks’ be.- 147 -

Munindra Misra, Chants of Hindu Gods and Godesses in English Rhyme
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नमस्तेशरण्येशिवेसानुकम्पे, नमस्तेजगद्व्यापिकेविश्वरूपे।नमस्तेजगद्वन्द्यपादारविन्दे, नमस्तेजगत्तारिणित्राहिदुर्गे॥१॥She the refuge, peaceful and merciful undoubtedly, She pervades over all, is universal form certainly, Her lotus feet worshipped by universe – all Glory, On your appeal “Protect me Durga” saves entirely.- 458 -

Munindra Misra, Chants of Hindu Gods and Godesses in English Rhyme
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संकट मोचन हनुमानाष्टकमत्तगयन्द छन्दबाल समय रबि भक्षि लियो तब तीनहुँ लोक भयो अँधियारो।ताहि सों त्रास भयो जग को यह संकट काहु सों जात न टारो।देवन आनि करी बिनती तब छाँड़ि दियो रबि कष्ट निवारो।को नहिं जानत है जग में कपि संकटमोचन नाम तिहारो॥१॥When as a child you lapped the sun, darkness on triple world fell,The worlds so got into trouble and a crisis that none could dispel,Gods then prayed to you to spare the sun and you did so quell,Who doesn’t know in this world your name `Problem Solver’ bells?- 294 -

Munindra Misra, Chants of Hindu Gods and Godesses in English Rhyme
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जयति महाकाली जयति, आद्य काली माताजय कराला वदने जयति, जगाता मातु विख्याताVictory to you, O Mahakali! - To you Victory,The primordial source of all beings - Victory!The formidable-looking goddess - To you Victory,Renowned as the mother of the world - Victory!

Munindra Misra, Chants of Hindu Gods and Godesses in English Rhyme
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॥दोहा॥श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज, निज मनु मुकुरु सुधारि।बरनउँ रघुबर बिमल जसु, जो दायकु फल चारि॥DohaWith the dust of guru’s lotus feet having,I cleanse the mirror of my soul sparkling,Raghuvar’s spotless glory I be singing,The four fruits of life it ever is giving.- 303 -

Munindra Misra, Chants of Hindu Gods and Godesses in English Rhyme
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Shani Chalisa॥दोहा॥ Dohaजय-जय श्री शनिदेव प्रभु, सुनहु विनय महराज।करहुं कृपा हे रवि तनय, राखहु जन की लाज॥Shani Maharaj, glory to you with sincerity,Listen to my prayers I request humbly,Bestow your grace and protect me fully,Keep respect and honour of your devotees.- 341 -

Munindra Misra, Chants of Hindu Gods and Godesses in English Rhyme
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From Brahma Puranब्राह्मीं च वैष्णवीं भद्रां, षड्-भुजां च चतुर्मुखीम्। त्रि-नेत्रां खड्ग-त्रिशूल-पद्म-चक्र-गदा-धराम्॥पीताम्बर-धरां देवीं, नानाऽलंकार-भूषिताम्। तेजः-पुञ्ज-धरीं श्रेष्ठां, ध्यायेद् बाल-कुमारिकाम्॥Meditate on youthful Brahmi* and Vaishnavi* surely,With six hands, four faces, three eyes gives safety,With sword, trident, lotus, wheel, globe, mace be,Greatest – yellow dressed, well decorated elegantly.

Munindra Misra, Chants of Hindu Gods and Godesses in English Rhyme
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