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“Prayer is a rising up and a drawing near to God in mind and in heart and in spirit.”
Alexander Whyte“There is not a single dying human being who does not yearn for love, touch, understanding, and whose heart does not break from the withdrawal of those who should be drawing near.”
Jennifer Worth, In the Midst of Life“And the drawing near of Death, which alike levels all, alike impresses all with a last revelation, which only an author from the dead could adequately tell.”
Herman Melville“Who bides his time tastes the sweet Of honey in the saltiest tear And though he fares with slowest feet Joy runs to meet him drawing near.”
James Whitcomb Riley“Our two peoples are sworn enemies,” he whispered. “You would not do it.”“Call me your enemy no more,” Jan bade him, drawing nearer. “I grow weary of our being enemies. The scars your talons left upon my back this autumn past are old scars now, long healed. Time to heal this ancient rift between our peoples as well.”
Meredith Ann Pierce“Their hearts were all cycling through the same madness - the discovery, the bliss, the loss, the despair - like planets taking turns in orbit around the sun. Each containing their own unique gravity. Their own force of attractions. Drawing near and holding fast to whatever entered their own atmosphere ... they would find love and lost love and recover from love and love again.”
Hannah Tinti, The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley“As the hound follows the hare, never ceasing in its running, ever drawing nearer in the chase, with unhurrying and imperturbed pace, so does God follow the fleeing soul by His Divine grace. And though in sin or in human love, away from God it seeks to hide itself, Divine grace follows after, unwearyingly follows ever after, till the soul feels its pressure forcing it to turn to Him alone in that never ending pursuit.”
J.R.R. Tolkien“There is no moment that exceeds in beauty that moment when one looks at a woman and finds that she is looking at you in the same way that you are looking at her. The moment in which she bestows that look that says, "Proceed with your evil plan, sumbitch." The initial smash on glance. The, the drawing near. This takes a long time, it seems like months, although only minutes pass, in fact. Languor is the word that describes this part of the process. Your persona floats toward her persona, over the Sea of Hesitation. Many weeks pass before they meet, but the weeks are days, or seconds. Still, everything is decided. You have slept together in the glance.”
Donald Barthelme, Flying to America: 45 More Stories“Out of the will of God, there is no such thing as success, in the will of God there cannot be any failure.”
Elizabeth George, The Heart of a Woman Who Prays: Drawing Near to the God Who Loves You“When we accept God’s invitation to commune with Him through prayer, He will transform our hearts and change our lives.”
Elizabeth George, The Heart of a Woman Who Prays: Drawing Near to the God Who Loves You