Enjoy the best quotes on Flaubert in egypt a sensibility on tour , Explore, save & share top quotes on Flaubert in egypt a sensibility on tour .
“And Egypt ? What is Egypt strenght?her resilience ?her ability to absorb poeple and events into the pores of her being? is that true or is it just a consolation ? a shifting of responsibility? and if it is true , how much can she absorb and still remain Egypt ?”
Ahdaf Soueif“Despite differences of faith or even the occasional collisions between them, Egypt is united.”
Ahmed Zewail“Some dog I got too. We call him Egypt. Because in every room he leaves a pyramid.”
Rodney Dangerfield“The people of Egypt are an intelligent people with a glorious history who left their mark on civilization.”
Fidel Castro“Evidence indicates that cats were first tamed in Egypt. The Egyptians stored grain, which attracted rodents, which attracted cats. (No evidence that such a thing happened with the Mayans, though a number of wild cats are native to the area.) I don't think this is accurate. It is certainly not the whole story. Cats didn't start as mousers. Weasels and snakes and dogs are more efficient as rodent-control agents. I postulate that cats started as psychic companions, as Familiars, and have never deviated from this function.”
William S. Burroughs, The Cat Inside“And so the very thing that should make Egypt strong - the richness and diversity of her culture - serves to divide her and make her weak.”
Ahdaf Soueif, The Map of Love“Human resources are just tremendous in Egypt, but we need the science base; we need the correct science base.”
Ahmed Zewail“The anchors of the Arab consensus have long been Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and both are now weakened forces in Arab politics and diplomacy.”
Elliott Abrams