Humankind Quotes

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Humankind demonstrates an unerring ability to witness beauty. By observing nature’s beauty and striving to create beautiful things, humankind brokers its own salvation.

Kilroy J. Oldster
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Humankind spends so much time admiring and ritualizing the inventions of humankind! And yet humankind is such a tiny part of all there is. -- Nigel S. Hey, Wonderment(Matador, 2012)

Nigel Hey
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Humankind cannot bear very much reality.

T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets
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To serve humankind is service of being.

Lailah Gifty Akita
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That spectacular leap from the middle to the top had enormous consequences.Other animals at the top of the pyramid, such as lions and sharks, evolved intothat position very gradually, over millions of years. This enabled the ecosystem todevelop checks and balances that prevent lions and sharks from wreaking toomuch havoc. As lions became deadlier, so gazelles evolved to run faster, hyenas tocooperate better, and rhinoceroses to be more bad-tempered. In contrast,humankind ascended to the top so quickly that the ecosystem was not given timeto adjust. Moreover, humans themselves failed to adjust. Most top predators of theplanet are majestic creatures. Millions of years of dominion have ɹlled them withself-conɹdence. Sapiens by contrast is more like a banana republic dictator.Having so recently been one of the underdogs of the savannah, we are full of fearsand anxieties over our position, which makes us doubly cruel and dangerous.Many historical calamities, from deadly wars to ecological catastrophes, haveresulted from this over-hasty jump.

Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
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Every religion should be in favor of humankind.

Santosh Kalwar
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We came from some place and we are trending in a particular direction. Without memories, we do not know where we come from, and we cannot project our future trajectory. Without a keen awareness of our history, we cannot pose any meaningful hypothesis or engage in any useful speculation regarding the future of humankind. Without knowing where humankind came from and failing to contemplate where humankind is going, we could never touch upon a comprehensive understanding of the mythology and mystery of human nature. Such a spectacle would preclude us from comprehending what it truly means to be human. Melodious memories assist us to feel in our bones what being actually entails in its full aesthetic splendor.

Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
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No heirloom of humankind captures the past as do art and language.

Theodore Bikel
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Heaven lies in the heart of humankind.

Lailah Gifty Akita
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Humankind cannot exist without the makeshift paradigm of innovative art, which genuine amoeba expresses elusive and unsayable thoughts. Humankind’s gallery of artistic impressions ranges from the starkness of personified cave drawings to the free ranging lexis of modern art. Collection of multihued stories of the ages portrays the vivid panoply of enigmatic vitas etched by humankind’s self-imposed sense of urgency. Each passing generation’s effusion of trope offerings seamlessly folds its shared renderings into the shimmering panorama of the cosmos, the sparkling nightscape that houses the intangible life force all communal souls.

Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
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