I am empty Quotes

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I am not me, I am not a human being.I am empty. Infinite emptiness dwells in me.I am the spirit.Emptiness is me.

Debasish Mridha
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I am empty of everything. I am empty of everything but the thin, frail ghosts in my room.

Jean Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight
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I have poured my heart out ….And now I am empty.

Ranata Suzuki
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I am empty only in the sense that there is nothing fixed or intrinsically real at the core of my identity as a person.Recognition of such emptiness therefore liberates one to change and transform oneself. And this, it seems, is precisely what the Jungian theory of individuation describes, yet in a language that is affirmative rather than negative.

Stephen Batchelor, Confession of a Buddhist Atheist
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I am deep in my willed habits. From the outside, I suppose I look like an unoccupied house with one unconvincing night-light left on. Any burglar could look through my curtains and conclude I am empty. But he would be mistaken. Under that one light unstirred by movement or shadows there is a man at work, and as long as I am at work I am not a candidate for Menlo Park, or that terminal facility they cynically call a convalescent hospital, or a pine box. My habits and the unchanging season sustain me. Evil is what questions and disrupts.

Wallace Stegner, Angle of Repose
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I wash myself clean of guilt, of pain, of fear, of emotion. I am the ocean. I am empty. I am nothing.

Kiersten White, Perfect Lies
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I fell in love with you like the stars fell in love with the sky, without you I am empty and bare.

Seja Majeed
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CageIt's a tear i want to shed,For the weathered roses that once was red,Today it's a decision want to make,To move on in life ignoring the fate,It's the promises i want to break,Because its a nightmare and i want to awake,It is the poem that don't rhyme,I don't know how, but things changed with the tides of time,It's the memories i want to forget,Now i am tired, no more i can regret,I'm the one, who feels alone in the crowd,I want to cry, run and shout out loud,Please leave me alone, relieve me from the pain,I am empty now, there is nothing more you can regain,Look at me and deep into my eyes,You will find the love that never dies

Ratish Edwards
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Your mouth can correct what is wrong. Your eyes can see evil and your mouth can speak righteousness. Your body can say I am sick while your mouth can say I am healed. Your eyes can say I am blind but your mouth can say I can see, Your pocket can say I am empty while your mouth can say I am swimming in abundance. Your Doctor can say that you are HIV Postive and Cancer but your mouth can say my body is a holy temple of God and by His stripes I am healed. Your womb can say that you are barren while your mouth can say "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." Don´t live by sight, live by faith. Put it in practice.

Patience Johnson, Why Does an Orderly God Allow Disorder
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