Love deeply live profoundly Quotes

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Being deeply, passionately, and intensely in love is being deeply, passionately, and intensely in life.

Kamand Kojouri
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Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Lao Tzu
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Laughing deeply is living deeply.

Milan Kundera
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Sensitive people either love deeply or they regret deeply. There really is no middle ground because they live in passionate extremes.

Shannon L. Alder
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Sometimes when you love someone so deeply, that is the thing that hurts the most.

Anthony T. Hincks
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As much as I would like to know my path, a part of me is telling me that it is better not too know too many details about the end destination or the obstacles on the journey. If I can only see as much as my headlights will show me, I can travel safely through any kind of weather, knowing that there's life through every sunrise and sunset and when the light is not shining as I'm used to, I can always assure myself that the night sky will show me many fulfilled dreams and hopes portrayed through shining stars, and every now and then reveal me a part of the moon which reflects that everlasting light, whether fully or not, making me aware that the shadow will always have its' mysterious beauty as well in the process of underlying a part of the truth. So let's continue like this, with our eyes set out far away in the galaxy, but with our feet firm in the ground from which we have been raised. Only so will we be able to ground ourselves deeply and reach immeasurable heights, like a tree deeply rooted in mother Earth that stretches its' branches up to the heavens.

Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache
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Love never comes with a brochure of rules and regulations, a prospectus with guides of what is acceptable and what is abominable. It’s a standard to follow your heart, and that’s what I did and if doing that hurt you, then I’m sorry… sorry for coming in your life and wasting your time, for causing you an anguish so great that you could not bear the sight of me. Today, I am proud to stand up and honour myself and proclaim to the world… yes, I loved someone more than myself. I loved someone truly, madly, deeply!

Faraaz Kazi, Truly, Madly, Deeply
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Jacob being sensitive is an endowment. Think about all you'd miss out on if you didn't feel things so deeply, or see things so clearly." "But feeling good things deeply means you feel bad things deeply, too." "Would you rather walk around oblivious to the meaning of things hidden under the surface and the opportunities to feel wonder and joy? Would you want to miss out on moments that take your breath away?

Jacqueline Simon Gunn, What He Didn't See
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If the truth contradicts deeply held beliefs, that is too bad.

Hans Eysenck
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Expression that comes from the deepest, darkest place that most of us would rather hide from the rest of the world is the substance that will most likely also deeply affect others.

Ken Poirot, Go Viral!: The Social Media Secret to Get Your Name Posted and Shared All Over the World!
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