Mindful being Quotes

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Mindfulness works with continuous awareness of body, breath; feelings, thoughts, intentions. Our state of mind, our positive or negative attitude towards the world, is closely related to our experiences of happiness or suffering. Mindfulness is awareness of everything that is happening in the moment of 'Now'. Mindfulness is a self development technique that will change the focus of our mind towards happiness.Mindfulness is continuous undisturbed awareness of the present moment. Fully aware of here, and now, we pay attention to what is happening right in front of us, we set aside our mental and emotional baggage. To be mindful we have to re-train our mind.

Nataša Nuit Pantović
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Mindfulness is continuous undisturbed awareness of the present moment. Fully aware of here, and now, we pay attention to what is happening right in front of us, we set aside our mental and emotional baggage. To be mindful we have to re-train our mind.

Nataša Nuit Pantović, Mindful Being
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Being mindful of our feelings we will get Delighted. The quality of life is in proportion of our capacity to get delighted. The capacity for delight is within our capacity to pay attention to things around us.

Nataša Nuit Pantović, Mindful Being
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Recognizing the power of our Mind and the power of our Soul, learning the art of Concentration and Love, we are learning to Live with the Flow, not against it. It is in our nature to learn and grow. For happiness we need to learn to Love, we need to learn to Concentrate and we should keep the flow and energy of inspiration within our lives.

Nataša Nuit Pantović, Mindful Being
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Being Mindful of our Feelings we will get Delighted. The Quality of Life is in proportion of our Capacity to Get Delighted and this is within our Capacity to Pay Attention. Be Aware of Synchronicity among All and Alert to the presence of Divine in All.

Nataša Nuit Pantović, Mindful Being
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Our Mind is constantly active. Seeking stillness within the Mind that is in motion is impossible if you do not use the motion itself. When the surface of a lake is still, we will be able to see, experience, intuitively sense the ocean of our sub-conscious and to tap into the magic of super-conscious. This is impossible when the surface is agitated by waves of our thoughts, emotions, habits, fears.

Nataša Nuit Pantović, Mindful Being
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We have an amazing potential to reach our highest potential, to have truly inspiring careers and loving relationships.Unfortunately, often we walk through our lives asleep, we let our habits rule us, and find it difficult to change our beliefs.

Nataša Nuit Pantović, Mindful Being
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