Spiritual poem Quotes

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while people go on chatting about a million and one thingsI mostly sit and observe with ascended understandingsas they bring up the topic of death and of a person dyingI listen quietly while often accidentally smilingat the absurdity of anybody ever believing in deathI don't mean to be insensitive towards a body's last breatha higher Reality laid bare, bodily expiration is of no accountwith this revelation incalculable life fears we surmountthe Sage is notorious for finding strange things funnygiggling at horrors and ridiculous events not so sunnysometimes a straight face is merely for showbut spy the glint in his eye about a truth you don’t knowan unfounded assumption is that we only live oncenot a Mystic throughout history has avowed this occurrenceChristian ones may not have mentioned being reborn againthey also didn't deny it—their teaching was kept plainjust as the Buddha intentionally avoided the God conceptultimately not essential, under the rug reincarnation is swept

Jarett Sabirsh
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while people go on chatting about a million and one thingsI mostly sit and observe with ascended understandingsas they bring up the topic of death and of a person dyingI listen quietly while often accidentally smilingat the absurdity of anybody ever believing in deathI don't mean to be insensitive towards a body's last breatha higher Reality laid bare, bodily expiration is of no accountwith this revelation incalculable life fears we surmountthe Sage is notorious for finding strange things funnygiggling at horrors and ridiculous events not so sunnysometimes a straight face is merely for showbut spy the glint in his eye about a truth you don’t knowan unfounded assumption is that we only live oncenot a Mystic throughout history has avowed this occurrenceChristian ones may not have mentioned being reborn againthey also didn't deny it—their teaching was kept plainjust as the Buddha intentionally avoided the God conceptultimately not essential, under the rug reincarnation is swept

Jarett Sabirsh, Love All-Knowing: An Epic Spiritual Poem
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being attached to any one philosophy or religiondwelling on moot differences and wanting to fit indespite the path all are led Home in timefollowing an alternative pathway is certainly no crimeKrishna, Buddha, Allah or Zohar Kabbalahdevoted nonviolently, one is led to NirvanaHindu Sages, Zen Masters or Christian Mysticsmany tongues, but identical truth spoken from their lipsmentioning Self or no-self or God is Father or Motheraccording to their culture emphasizing one method or anotherallness vs. nothingness, meditation vs. prayerdevotion in practice is all you should carewhen Truth reveals itself you're beyond all conceptionthen not a single man-made word will hold any traction

Jarett Sabirsh, Love All-Knowing: An Epic Spiritual Poem
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everyone and everything a fluid living seaUniversal Consciousness as both you and mebeing in rapturous love with all life and every personbut this wasn't maintained and things were about to worsenego crept back in believing it was Enlightenedit turns out consciousness only temporarily heighteneda momentary samadhi can sometimes deceiveif untold by a Master because our mind is naïveask enlightenment teachers today about their ego deathdon't even need to for their answer we can already guessare they right this moment experiencing Allness?the spiritual ego is crafty and teaches regardlesstheir words proceeding from the intellect, Power is lackinga Divine Transference is required to send the ego packingif inspiration hits by all means sharebut state your current un-State or others you'll ensnareTrue Teachings are on a whole different levela powerful quieting effect, they silence the mentalmake no bones about it—dying to God is involvedif not ready for this step then observe truths lesser evolved

Jarett Sabirsh, Love All-Knowing: An Epic Spiritual Poem
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it appears various ancient Mystics had a hard time explainingwith their archaic languages lacking the words for detailing“the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost”the Trinity concept being misunderstood by a good hostthe Father is the immutable unmoving Godheadfrom whence the Holy Ghost flows to all widespreadthe Son, a physical expression in those whose self is deadGod can't be received fully if the “me” occupies spacethe sense of individual selfhood disappears without a tracethe higher nature of God is formless unmanifestedfrom it, this changing world of form is emanatedeverything is God, in God, all-inclusively unendingungraspable by brain-mind and its inferior comprehendingpeople wonder, “okay, but what created God?”contemplate “Eternal” or “Infinite” to see the query flawedAll is the Mind of God without exceptionincluding your Mind prior to conceptionformless No-Thing, yet Infinitely Everythingyet both, yet neither, for it's beyond expounding

Jarett Sabirsh, Love All-Knowing: An Epic Spiritual Poem
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Om-nipotent, Om-nipresent, Om-niscient, Omall is wholly undivided, instructed the physicist, David Bohmthe enfolded and unfolded, that of formlessness and formfrom the implicate unmanifest to the explicate manifest bornoriginating from an underlying nonphysical orderemerges physical reality with its illusory bordersthe whole of existence exists in every wee partall is here now—the cosmos' stern, bow, starboard and portthe invisible portion of existence is pure potentialityawareness itself as a field of infinite possibilityphysical reality a holographic illusionscience says so—that's its conclusionthe new science is within and is up to youa simple experiment with loving prayer will dofollowing science honestly, one is led inward toowith zero biases, mind and reality are seen as not-twowho cares what proofs others are utteringlive it yourself or you know nothingmake a cloud square shape in a oneness experimentrepeat “thank you square cloud” with joyous, grateful intentthe results of this being easily duplicatableshows that a unitive conscious universe is no fableNative Americans have their time-tested rain dancea prayer to the Great Spirit resulting in watered plants

Jarett Sabirsh, Love All-Knowing: An Epic Spiritual Poem
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three tiers to the heart: physical, ethereal, Eternalwith each one being more spiritual and subtlethe physical heart a little brain with over 40,000 neuronsit sends and receives by electromagnetic field operationsit's got its own nervous system that senses and remembersmaking decisions and giving directions to other centersemitting enfolded energetic organizational patternsinformation, that is—communicative interactionsdetected outside the body by magnetometers and other peoplefor heart coherence listen to Pärt's “Spiegel im Spiegel”valid are chakras and acupuncture meridiansmeditate on the heart chakra to see what this meansenergy meridians are strings of polarized crystalline waterbioelectric signals transmitted in connective tissue matterinformation is sent along these lengths of collagen proteinsmolecules of structured water allowing the transfer of protonscrystal water wires inside protein pathwayswith acupuncture points being junctures in the mazethe protons, then, are what have been referred to as “chi”a current flowing, much like electrical circuitry

Jarett Sabirsh, Love All-Knowing: An Epic Spiritual Poem
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