To be loved Quotes

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Loving yourself is the most fulfilling and beautiful love that life has to offer.Unfortunately, we're all looking to love someone else..we're all looking to be loved by someone else, first.

Reyna Mays
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Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.

Leo Buscaglia
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There is a desire within each of us,in the deep center of ourselves that we call our heart.We were born with it, it is never completely satisfied,and it never dies.We are often unaware of it, but it is always awake.It is the Human desire for Love.Every person in this Earth yearns to love,to be loved, to know love.Our true identity, our reason for beingis to be found in this desire.Love is the "why" of life,why we are functioning at all.I am convincedit is the fundamental energy of the human spirit.the fuel on which we run,the wellspring of our vitality.And grace, which is the flowing,creative activity, of love itself,is what makes all goodness possible.Love should come first,it should be the beginning of,and the reason for everything.

Gerald G. May, Living in Love
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Those who love to be feared fear to be loved.

Saint Francis de Sales
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If you want to be loved, love deeply and get lost in love.

Debasish Mridha
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It should be a privilege to be able to say "I love you" to someone. It shouldn't be something people say just because they feel like it. A privilege that is earned. They say you have to earn the right to be loved; no, love is unconditional, if you love someone, they don't have to earn it. But. The right to tell someone that you love them? That has to be earned. You have to earn the right to be believed.

C. JoyBell C.
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I would love to be loved for what I am, and not for what I have!

Nehali Lalwani
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I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets
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The energies that make us act out of anger,fear,insecurity and doubt are extremely familiar. They are like an old,dark house we return to whenever things get too hard to handle.It feels risky to leave this house and see what's outside,yet we have to leave if we expect to be loved.So we take the risk.We walk out into the light and offer ourselves to the beloved.This feels wonderful;it's like nothing we have imagined in our old,dark house.But when things get tough,we run back inside,we choose familiarity to fear and lovelessness over the vulnerability of love, until finally we feel safe enough to go back and try love again.This is essentially the rhythm of every intimate relationship-risk and retreat. Over and over we repeat this rhythm,accepting love and pushing it away until finally something miraculous happiness. The old,dark house isn't necessary anymore.We look around, and we have a new house, a house of light. Where did it come from?How did we build it? It was built from the love of the heart.It has silently been weaving our higher and lower natures,blending fear,anger,survival and protection into the energies of devotion,trust,compassion and acceptance.

Deepak Chopra, The Path to Love: Spiritual Strategies for Healing
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When you need to be loved, you take love wherever you can find it. When you are desperate to be loved, feel love, know love, you seek out what you think love should look like. When you find love, or what you think love is, you will lie, kill, and steal to keep it. But learning about real love comes from within. It cannot be given. It cannot be taken away. It grows from your ability to re-create within yourself, the essence of loving experiences you have had in your life.

Iyanla Vanzant
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