Yin yang Quotes

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…When you’re in the darkness, know that the light will come. We are light and dark, sun and moon, male and female, yin and yang; life is composed of opposites, in a continuing cycle of change…. When you are in the light, don’t step back into the darkness. Live in that light, and breathe it in fully. I’ve spent so much of my life going over and over the sadness and fear of the past. But we don’t need to go there when we’re not there. When we are in the light, be here, now.

Kathryn E. Livingston
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…When you’re in the darkness, know that the light will come. We are light and dark, sun and moon, male and female, yin and yang; life is composed of opposites, in a continuing cycle of change…. When you are in the light, don’t step back into the darkness. Live in that light, and breathe it in fully. I’ve spent so much of my life going over and over the sadness and fear of the past. But we don’t need to go there when we’re not there. When we are in the light, be here, now.

Kathryn E. Livingston, Yin, Yang, Yogini: A Woman's Quest for Balance, Strength, and Inner Peace
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So it is said, for him who understands Heavenly joy, life is the working of Heaven; death is the transformation of things. In stillness, he and the yin share a single Virtue; in motion, he and the yang share a single flow.

Zhuangzi, The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu
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Maybe it’s something to do with the movements: the Cat and then the Cow, the twist to the left and then to the right, the reaching up, and then bending to the ground, the constant training of the body to move one way, and then to move in the opposite way. Hatha: sun, moon opposites, dark and light, yin and yang. This must be key in the way yoga shapes the mind and heart, in the way it helps one to understand that every movement has a counter movement, that every action has an opposing action, that the happy parts of life will be met by the sad, and the sad, in turn will be met by the happy.

Kathryn E. Livingston, Yin, Yang, Yogini: A Woman's Quest for Balance, Strength, and Inner Peace
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Dalam mengarang saya tidak pernah tergesa-gesa. Saya anggap pekerjaan mengarang adalah tugas yang santai, yang harus dikerjakan dengan senang hati. Kalau saya menulisnya dengan terburu-buru, berarti dengan hati yang kesal, maka dapat dipastikan bahwa si pembaca pun akan merasakannya.

Nh. Dini, Proses Kreatif: Mengapa dan Bagaimana Saya Mengarang
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Menjadi penulis adalah sebuah perjalanan panjang, yang tidak selalu diisi oleh hal-hal yang menyenangkan. Akan selalu ada kritik, akan selalu ada komentar negatif, akan selalu ada kesalahan. Yang terpenting adalah kita belajar dari kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut dan bangkit untuk menggapai mimpi kita.

Winna Efendi, Draf 1: Taktik Menulis Fiksi Pertamamu
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A beam or pillar can be used to batter down a city wall, but it is no good for stopping up a little hole - this refers to a difference in function. Thoroughbreds like Qiji and Hualiu could gallop a thousand li in one day, but when it came to catching rats they were no match for the wildcat or the weasel - this refers to a difference in skill. The horned owl catches fleas at night and can spot the tip of a hair, but when daylight comes, no matter how wide it opens its eyes, it cannot see a mound or a hill - this refers to a difference in nature. Now do you say, that you are going to make Right your master and do away with Wrong, or make Order your master and do away with Disorder? If you do, then you have not understood the principle of heaven and earth or the nature of the ten thousand things. This is like saying that you are going to make Heaven your master and do away with Earth, or make Yin your master and do away with Yang. Obviously it is impossible.

Zhuangzi, The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu
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Ketakutan dan kebimbangan itu lahir dari jelmaan bayangan bagaimana pandangan mata mereka melihat kita. Hukuman-hukuman dunia yang membarisi akal fikir manusia sedikit sebanyak mengundang keterbatasan. Bila pun aku berkata aku telah dewasa dan bebas, tapi masih merasa terkongkong dan terikat, saat itulah aku percaya aku perlu berehat sebentar dari memikirkan hal-hal dunia yang tidak akan pernah puas dan habisnya.Apa yang sedang kau cari dan gali? Harta milik Qorun turun temurun? Gerun.

Nuratiqah Jani
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One factor that makes human being reluctant to have hope is the fear of disappointment.Do not be afraid of disappointment! The more you afraid of it, the smaller your expectation.Face and overcome the disappointment, even though it felt bitter in soul and pain in body.If you go through and pass it, then your soul and body will be stronger than previous level.When hope emerged, change will occur because of that, both in your soul and in your body.Fear of disapointment is a main enemy of good hope and great change within the human being.Only by facing and overcoming the fear of disapointment, man will become stronger and wiser. ~Salah satu faktor yang membuat manusia enggan untuk berharap adalah rasa takut akan kecewa.Jangan takut dengan kekecewaan! Semakin engkau takut menghadapinya, semakin kecil pengharapanmu.Hadapi dan lawanlah rasa kecewa, meskipun terasa pahit di jiwa dan terasa sakit di tubuh.Jika engkau mampu dan lulus, maka jiwa dan tubuhmu akan lebih kuat dari kondisi sebelumnya.Ketika harapan muncul, perubahan akan terjadi, baik dalam jiwa maupun dalam tubuh manusia.Rasa takut akan kecewa adalah musuh utama pengharapan yang baik dan perubahan yang agung dalam diri manusia.Hanya dengan menghadapi dan melalui rasa takut akan kecewa, seseorang dapat menjadi lebih kuat dan bijaksana.

Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity
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Sesungguhnya, penulis yang bersemangat jauh lebih menjanjikan daripada penulis yang berbakat.

Mohammad Fauzil Adhim, Dunia Kata
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Buku yang kau tulis adalah semacam jejak yang terus menyala di dunia, dan bisa menjadi cahaya akhiratmu.

Helvy Tiana Rosa
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