“A hole is nothing at all but you can break your neck in it.”
Austin O'Malley“Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you.”
Austin O'Malley“Show me a genuine case of platonic friendship, and I shall show you two old or homely faces.”
Austin O'Malley“Reason clears and plants the wilderness of the imagination to harvest the wheat of art.”
Austin O'Malley“Happiness is the harvest of a quiet eye.”
Austin O'Malley“An Englishman thinks seated a Frenchman standing an American pacing an Irishman afterward.”
Austin O'Malley“A hole is nothing at all but you can break your neck in it.”
Austin O'Malley“Ordinarily when a man in difficulty turns to prayer he has already tried every other means of escape.”
Austin O'Malley“The statesman shears the sheep the politician skins them.”
Austin O'Malley“The best blood will sometimes get into a fool or a mosquito.”
Austin O'Malley“If you keep your eyes so fixed on heaven that you never look at the earth, you will stumble into hell.”
Austin O'Malley