“Words of affection howsoe'er expressed The latest spoken still are deem'd the best.”
Joanna Baillie“I wish I were with some of the wild people that run in the woods and know nothing about accomplishments!”
Joanna Baillie“The brave man is not he who feels no fear For that were stupid and irrational But he whose noble soul its fear subdues And barely dares the danger nature shrinks from.”
Joanna Baillie“Still on it creeps Each little moment at another's heels Till hours days years and ages are made up Of such small parts as these and men look back Worn and bewilder'd wondering how it is.”
Joanna Baillie“This will be triumph! This will be happiness! Yea that very thing happiness which I have been pursuing all my life and have never yet overtaken.”
Joanna Baillie“O lovely Sisters! is it true That they are all inspired by you And write by inward magic charm'd And high enthusiasm warm'd?”
Joanna Baillie