All of us at some time will have someone to forgive for something they did or failed to do. And all of us at some time will need forgiveness for something we did or failed to do.

All of us at some time will have someone to forgive for something they did or failed to do. And all of us at some time will need forgiveness for something we did or failed to do.

Laurie Buchanan
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Birth is not a beginning; it’s a continuation. That lends tremendous comfort because we then understand that, equally true, death is not an end; it’s merely a continuation.

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Writers are the wind that sail words across the page.

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My mother, Delle Hunter, was a physically small woman, yet she was the biggest person I’ve ever known. She had total focus, an attribute that deeply impressed me. She taught me by example that how we live impacts how we die. She lived a life of courage, beauty, and integrity; she died in the same manner.

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We may never pick up a paintbrush or sculpt a masterpiece, but each one of us—without exception—is an artist in our own way.

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Each of us has an undeniable responsibility to ourself and the rest of the world to be our personal best on any given day.

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Enlightenment is recognizing that we are all connected, then consciously living that realization—our thoughts, words, and actions an unshakable reflection of that understanding.

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True love is healthy, respectful, and nurturing, whether it's for ourselves or for another person. It's positive, uplifting, constructive, and healing to those in our sphere of influence, including the person we look at in the mirror every single morning—ourselves.

Laurie Buchanan, PhD
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