“Always think and always dream. Wonder what’s around the next corner for yourself, and don’t be afraid to go there, but most of all Love. Loving yourself and the people around you is the easiest path through life. It will bring you around that corner, and places you’ve never been.”
Ron Baratono“The greatest person to know in life is yourself. There’s no one who will treat you better.”
Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono“When we first wake up every morning, there’s a calm in our minds. The challenge is to keep it there all day.”
Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono“Each day is a blessing, and I awake wondering what wonderful thing, no matter how big or small, will happen to me today.”
Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono“A woman’s smile will always make a good man’s day.”
Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono“Our journey without judgment can begin today.”
Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono“When we look and feel happy, it’s beautiful and more attractive than anything we could possibly imagine.”
Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono“If we occupy our minds with self-loathing or negative thoughts, then maybe we don’t have enough to do.”
Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono“Dear God, I don’t ask for fame and fortune but for an opportunity to embrace many. I don’t ask you to make my life perfect but full of love. With every mistake I make, or with any success I have, I ask to feel your grace along the way, for the rest of my life. In Jesus’s name, amen.”
Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono“The truly important people in our lives are always in our future.”
Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono“Your true character in life is your destiny.”
Ron Baratono, The Writings of Ron Baratono