“And the truth is, the ten or twenty minutes I was somebody's mother were black magic. There is nothing I would trade them for. There is no place I would rather have seen.”
Ariel Levy“A wedding, a great wedding, is just a blast. A celebration of romance and community and love... What is unfun about that? Nothing.”
Ariel Levy“What peace it must be to know that someone is yours, no matter what - it is ordained, can never be otherwise.”
Ariel Levy“And the truth is, the ten or twenty minutes I was somebody's mother were black magic. There is nothing I would trade them for. There is no place I would rather have seen.”
Ariel Levy, The Rules Do Not Apply“But the truth is, the ten or twenty minutes I was somebody’s mother were black magic. There is no adventure I would trade them for; there is no place I would rather have seen. -Thanksgiving in Mongolia, The New Yorker, November 18, 2013 Issue”
Ariel Levy, The Rules Do Not Apply“Why is this the "new feminism" and not what it looks like: the old objectification?”
Ariel Levy, Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture