“At first the weight of loss was thrust upon me so harshly I could only take a short breath, just enough to endure the next few seconds, only to find I must inhale again. Every person in turmoil thinks the boulder on her chest will never lift. Yet the same boulder awakens an equally strong urge to live.”
Thanhha Lai“I'm trying to tell MiSSSisss WaSShington about our ceremony for Father.But it takes time tomatch every noun and verb,sort all the tenses,remember all the articles,set the tone for every s.MiSSSisss WaSShington saysif every learner waitsto speak perfectly,no one would learna new language.Being stubbornwon't make you fluent.Practicing will!The more mistakes you make,the more you'll learn not to.They laugh.”
Thanhha Lai“I tell you of loss, my child, so you will listen, slowly, and know that in life every emotion is fated to rear itself within your being. Don't judge it proper or ugly. It's simply there and yours. When you should happen to cry, then cry, knowing that just as easily you will laugh again and cry again. Your feelings will enter the currents of your core and there they shall remain”
Thanhha Lai“Being stubborn won't make you fluent. Practicing will! The more mistakes you make, the more you'll learn not to.”
Thanhha Lai“At first the weight of loss was thrust upon me so harshly I could only take a short breath, just enough to endure the next few seconds, only to find I must inhale again. Every person in turmoil thinks the boulder on her chest will never lift. Yet the same boulder awakens an equally strong urge to live.”
Thanhha Lai, Listen, Slowly