Lisa Genova Quotes

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She wished she had cancer instead. She'd trade Alzheimer's for cancer in a heartbeat. She felt ashamed for wishing this, and it was certainly a pointless bargaining, but she permitted herself the fantasy anyway. With cancer, she'd have something to fight. There was surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. There was the chance that she could win. Her family and the community at Harvard would rally behind her battle and consider it noble. And even if it defeated her in the end, she'd be able to look them knowingly in the eye and say good-bye before she left.

Lisa Genova
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Similar Quotes by Lisa Genova

She wished she had cancer instead. She'd trade Alzheimer's for cancer in a heartbeat. She felt ashamed for wishing this, and it was certainly a pointless bargaining, but she permitted herself the fantasy anyway. With cancer, she'd have something to fight. There was surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. There was the chance that she could win. Her family and the community at Harvard would rally behind her battle and consider it noble. And even if it defeated her in the end, she'd be able to look them knowingly in the eye and say good-bye before she left.

Lisa Genova, Still Alice
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Prioritizing hurt, a reminder that the clock was ticking, that some things would be left undone.

Lisa Genova, Still Alice
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Why? What's wrong with being emotional about this? why is that a negative thing? Why isn't the emotional decision the right decision?" asked the woman who wasn't crying.

Lisa Genova, Still Alice
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And while a bald head and a looped ribbon were seen as badges of courage and hope, her reluctant vocabulary and vanishing memories advertised mental instability and impending insanity. Those with cancer could expect to be supported by their community. Alice expected to be an outcast.

Lisa Genova, Still Alice
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And you, Mom. I loved you. You've asked if i felt and understood that you loved me. of course I did. And you know this. I loved your love because it kept me safe and happy and wanted, and it existed beyond words and hugs and eyes.

Lisa Genova, Love Anthony
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You can be in Downward Dog, hating every second of it. Or you can be in this pose, peaceful and nonreactive, breathing calmly. Either way, you’re in this pose. You decide the quality of your experience. Be the thermostat, not the temperature.

Lisa Genova, Inside the O'Briens
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It's the closest place to nowhere that she can think of. And nowhere is exactly where she wants to be today.

Lisa Genova, Love Anthony
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Her ability to use language, that thing that most separates humans from animals, was leaving her, and she was feeling less and less human as it departed. She's said a tearful good-bye to okay some time ago.

Lisa Genova, Still Alice
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I pointed, still unable to utter a word. Tim looked down at the spectacle behind the shed, his face swiftly draining of color. He gripped my arm with a clammy hand. And then he did something I'd been waiting half my life to see: he dropped into a dead swoon at my feet.

Rosie Genova, Murder and Marinara
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I smile, loving him for changing with me, for going where my Neglect has taken us, for getting the new me.

Lisa Genova, Left Neglected
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