“Before you reprimand or condemn people on a particular act, make sure you have worked on yourself overtime such that you can't be found guilty of such act; if not you will be a victim of your own laws and rules”
Topsy Gift“Show me a man who is a time investor, I will show you a successful man”
Topsy Gift“Rather than condemning people for their wrong deeds, love and pray for them because everyone has their shortcomings”
Topsy Gift“A hero is one who can never stop fighting for truth no matter the oppression”
Topsy Gift“A free nation of good willed and hardworking people will be better developed than a nation of lazy people with good will but are bound”
Topsy Gift“Don't spend your time fetching water with a basket for it will never get filled up”
Topsy Gift“For you to make a difference on earth, you need to be focused and have a strong will”
Topsy Gift“One of the greatest help you can give to yourself is to kill distraction”
Topsy Gift