“Believing or not makes no difference to the Absolute of Things That Be. But it does to you. For you shall live and die accordingly. A wise person, or a fool. Choose.”
Fakeer Ishavardas“All must read their so-called 'holy' book - word by word - to determine, by self, its unholy bit.”
Fakeer Ishavardas“Most people are scumbags. Accept it. Let go. Chill out, douchebags.”
Fakeer Ishavardas“Monkeying around with other apes, a monkey was made - called, HUMAN. God is great!”
Fakeer Ishavardas“Please believe me. I've nothing against you personally. It's just that I laugh at all jokes.”
Fakeer Ishavardas“You're alright, I guess; for, you're just being you, like any other cuckoo.”
Fakeer Ishavardas