“Communicating with God is the most extraordinary experience imaginable, yet at the same time it's the most natural one of all, because God is present in us at all times. Omniscient, omnipotent, personal-and loving us without conditions. We are connected as One through our divine link with God.”
Eben Alexander“I finally chalked it up to the fact that the brain is truly an extraordinary device: more extraordinary than we can even guess.”
Eben Alexander“Our culture is obsessed with youth because we have lost the ancient knowledge that growth never stops. We are not transient, momentary mistakes inthe cosmos- evolutionary curiosities that rise like mayflies, swarm for a day, and are gone. We are players who are here to stay, and the universe was built with us in mind. We reflect it, with our deepest loves and loftiest aspirations, just as it reflects us.”
Eben Alexander M.D.“Laughter and irony are at heart reminders that we are not prisoners in this world, but voyagers through it.”
Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife“A story-a true story-can heal as much as medicine can.”
Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife“My experience showed me that the death of the body and the brain are not the end of consciousness, that human experience continues beyond the grave. More important, it continues under the gaze of a God who loves and cares about each one of us and about where the Universe itself and all the beings withing it are ultimately goind.”
Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife“Our eternal spiritual self is more real than anything we perceive in this physical realm, and has a divine connection to the infinite love of the Creator.”
Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife“Hearing my story seemed to give him a license he had been longing for someone to give him: the license to believe what he had seen with his own eyes--to KNOW that deep and comforting truth: that our eternal spiritual self is more real than anything we perceive in this physical realm, and has a divine connection to the infinite love of the Creator.”
Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife“So I was communicating directly with God? Absolutely. Expressed that way, it sounds grandiose. But when it was happening, it didn't feel that way. Instead, I felt like I was doing what every soul is able to do when they leave their bodies, and what we can all do right now through various methods of prayer or deep meditation. Communicating with God is the most extraordinary experience imaginable, yet at the same time it's the most natural one of all, because God is present in us at all times. Omniscient, omnipotent, personal--and loving us without conditions. We are connected as One through our divine link with God.”
Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife“Communicating with God is the most extraordinary experience imaginable, yet at the same time it's the most natural one of all, because God is present in us at all times. Omniscient, omnipotent, personal-and loving us without conditions. We are connected as One through our divine link with God.”
Eben Alexander, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife