“Don't wonder why your time hasn't come yet. When you plant a seed, it always takes a while to grow. Don't be hasty. Think, plan, hustle.”
B.A. Gabrielle“Writing something new is an effective way to get rid of writer's block. Or you can observe the people around you and fantasize like I do.”
B.A. Gabrielle“If you keep looking back, you'll never be able to move forward. You're the only one who can stop yourself from your own success.”
B.A. Gabrielle“Change courage into main characters, fear into antagonists, and peace and safety into supporting characters. Don't hold anything back.”
B.A. Gabrielle“When you have a nightmare, don't let it control you. Try transforming that fear into into an antagonist to release pent-up feelings.”
B.A. Gabrielle“Writing is about freedom. It may become precious and fleeting at any time. Don't let anybody shackle down your wings with doubt.”
B.A. Gabrielle“Why are you sitting there watching/reading someone else's creation when you can be watching/reading your own creation instead Hustle!”
B.A. Gabrielle“Your mind is beautiful. No matter what problems people say you have, every mind is capable of writing something inspiring and beautiful.”
B.A. Gabrielle“Don't wonder why your time hasn't come yet. When you plant a seed, it always takes a while to grow. Don't be hasty. Think, plan, hustle.”
B.A. Gabrielle“Don't let anyone tell you your idea is stupid. Do you know how many successful people had people tell them that, and they still made it?”
B.A. Gabrielle“Don't be afraid of your own imagination. No matter what you write, there's always someone out there who will appreciate it.”
B.A. Gabrielle