“Every part of you is a master intelligence and is speaking truth to you, and through you, at all times.”
Bryant McGill“Because of our interconnectedness we all know that extreme poverty and exclusionary practices are violations against the basic dignity of people.”
Bryant McGill“Every generation is inculcated in traditions of prejudice which are encouraged as normal, natural and healthy.”
Bryant McGill“Giving is the key to all success in all applications of human life.”
Bryant McGill“Enthusiasm is the energy and force that builds literal momentum of the human soul and mind.”
Bryant McGill“When you release the illusion of control, you begin an effortless free-fall toward a grand reunion with your original self.”
Bryant McGill“When we become acquainted with any person on a human level, even a great enemy, we begin to see that no person is really so different from ourselves.”
Bryant McGill“Accept the fullness in life's balance, which demands that there are positive gifts along with adversity.”
Bryant McGill