“Great minds with great ideas usually share in the midst of their persecution”
Jeremy Aldana“Seems to me that there is a fine line between insanity and dedication…I call that line commitment”
Jeremy Aldana“I think that dying is the easy part of life; for in waking each day and living in every moment, therein lies the challenge”
Jeremy Aldana“The question that is upon my lips (please forgive me) is the doubt in your heart”
Jeremy Aldana“To know a man’s secrets is to discover his weakness, and thus control his will”
Jeremy Aldana“I never felt more free in this world, than when I was five years old”
Jeremy Aldana“If a man seeks you to understand him; listen closely, for what is really going on is nothing more that you manifesting your desire to seek yourself on a plateau of awareness that is not tangible”
Jeremy Aldana“Each time a man looks into your eyes, he is only searching to find himself; for he knows already, that he is part of you”
Jeremy Aldana