“He was a shadow of the man that once intimidated us out of our home, a shell of a human being, a fragment of a father.”
David Louden“Self-awareness is the most overrated trick in the book. More than ambition, more than free will, more than getting on to the property ladder early. Right now I should be at the Little Hills, you probably just call them the Hills, right?”
David Louden, White Mexicans“Propping up a seat at the bar we devour chicken wings like life does dreams”
David Louden, Lost Angeles“It hadn’t always been this way, that’s a cliché, but it is a cliché for a reason. It’s not like anyone starts a relationship with nothing to say to the other person. No-one wants to feel like a complete stranger and live together because it’s easier than trying to remember who owns the copy of Almost Famous – which was mine by the way.”
David Louden, Lost Angeles“Every little prick out there wants me to lift them. I had this one kid from Oklahoma, big fat shitter he was. Legs as fat as a Downers forehead screaming Up, up, Hulk up! at me for ten minutes until I had no other choice. Fat fucker damn near put my back out and then his old man stiffs me with Canadian dollars. Canadian, can you believe that shit?!”
David Louden, Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard“The boulevard was awash with the curious and the shocked as wave after wave of tourist crashed into the unmoving masses of families who had just witnessed a brawl between The Incredible Hulk and SpongeBob Squarepants over territory, boundaries and the age old issue of ownership.”
David Louden, Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard“One way or another we’re taking your bank. All you have to do is decide the level of persuasion we need to apply.”
David Louden, Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard“They stood either side of him like haunting little genetic bookends. The one thing he’ll leave behind, two kids who called another man for help with their homework.”
David Louden, Heroes of Hollywood Boulevard“He looked along the line of children, exhibits A to C of his existence and heirs to the twisted throne of his corrupt genetics.”
David Louden, Bone Idol [bohn ahydl]“It was a sacrifice worthy of her and dreams are made to be killed.”
David Louden, Bone Idol [bohn ahydl]“He was a shadow of the man that once intimidated us out of our home, a shell of a human being, a fragment of a father.”
David Louden, Bone Idol [bohn ahydl]