“I couldn't see anything beyond this. Beyond her. Beyond us. (Blaine)”
S.L. Jennings“I can't live without the sun shining down on my face, and I can't dream without the stars kissing me goodnight.”
S.L. Jennings, Taint“I couldn't see anything beyond this. Beyond her. Beyond us. (Blaine)”
S.L. Jennings, Fear of Falling“You don't have to be afraid of falling. Just close your eyes, let go, and know that I'll always be here with arms outstretched, ready to catch you.”
S.L. Jennings, Fear of Falling“Life may not be pretty but it's always beautiful. We may only see the ugliness on the surface. The shit that only the world chooses to notice. But, if we dig deep, if we get to the heart of life, where there's no pain or fear, where we can just be who we are and love freely without judgement, it's really beautiful.”
S.L. Jennings, Fear of Falling“No child, no matter what path they may have chosen, should be abandoned by the people who should love them the most. When two people come together and make the conscious decision to create a life, they have an obligation to protect and love that child until death.”
S.L. Jennings, Dark Light“SUBJECT: Real originalDear Dark Assholes,I get the point. Showing me that you know how to log onto a computer and utilize Google must’ve taken some pretty keen strategizing on your part.Really, really cool trick. Now leave me the hell alone.-The DL”
S.L. Jennings, The Dark Prince