“I had always been a solitary person. Therefore I had a habit of opening my heart to a piece of paper. I thought that was quite secure. I knew that those words would never go out there, except of course if someone read them.”
Pet Torres“I'm still looking for books about them, as well as I am used to feed food every day.”
Pet Torres, Pact of Witches“A pact must be kept and a secret must never be revealed ...”Pact of witches”
Pet Torres, Pact of Witches“The platonic love I feel for my cousin, made me write this diary ...”Leione”
Pet Torres, Leione's Diary: How Everything Should Have Been“You know, when life presents you only good things and you idealize them to your way.And abruptly it comes up an avalanche of catastrophes and destroys all your beautiful dreams, as a war that destroys an entire country or a volcano that devastates forests.That's how I feel and I write in this diary 'How everything should have been' in my life.”
Pet Torres, Leione's Diary: How Everything Should Have Been“And among many understandings and misunderstandings, Lany and Antony once again were victims of an illusory love...”
Pet Torres, Illusory Love III“The black wolf’s curse awakes every time that a full moon points in the middle of the sky.”
Pet Torres, The Black Wolf's Mark“I had always been a solitary person. Therefore I had a habit of opening my heart to a piece of paper. I thought that was quite secure. I knew that those words would never go out there, except of course if someone read them.”
Pet Torres, Valkyrie the Vampire Princess : Deluxe Edition : Vol. 3- 4 and 5