“I love people who are honest, honest about everything. People who would bare their souls and say things like "I did it because I was Jealous.", "I made a mistake, not that I was unconscious of what I was doing but I lost control " , instead of covering it up with reasons.This kind of honesty takes a lot of "Courage" - since it involves admitting your flaws, both, to yourself and others."Intelligence" - Since it involves diving deep within, into the true reasons behind your actions, and "A Big Heart" - Since it involves acceptingthose flaws.”
Wordions“Trust Begins In TRUth , even if the Truth is about how you broke my trust.”
Wordions“Listening isn't just about being quiet.It's about listening to -What is Said,What is Unsaid,and What is meantWith your Eyes, Ears and Heart”
Wordions“To me the hardest thing is hating you.Even harder than walking away still loving you.”
Wordions“It's sad to see just how many people are lonely together.”
Wordions“The seed must be buried, for the flower to bloom.”
Wordions“Self Respect " respects boundaries, yours or other's,"Ego" is so full of self, it sees no boundaries.”
Wordions“The most powerful channel of communicationis still, "The Heart" !”
Wordions“The lack of understanding does not hurt, as much as the lack of effort to understand does !”
Wordions“Trust is believing "I will be safe with you".Love is striving to keep the trust.”
Wordions“Words are just words who they come from gives them relevance and this relevance gives them the power to hurt you. Make those who hurt you irrelevant.”