“I refuse to use the computers if Google is on them.'Librarian: 'Okay.''--'Librarian: '--''--'Librarian: 'Enjoy your day!”
Gina Sheridan“I stubbed my toe just as someone dropped a book into the inside drop box. As I yelped and howled in pain, a child on the other side said, 'Mommy, I think we hurt the book!”
Gina Sheridan, I Work at a Public Library: A Collection of Crazy Stories from the Stacks“I will tell everyone I know to come [to the library]. This place saves lives.”
Gina Sheridan, I Work at a Public Library: A Collection of Crazy Stories from the Stacks“Do you ever hide books you've read over and over again because you're so sick of them?''Oh, definitely. When they ask for them, I say the book fairy came to get it. One time they saw one of the books at the library, so now they think the librarians are book fairies.”
Gina Sheridan, I Work at a Public Library: A Collection of Crazy Stories from the Stacks“I refuse to use the computers if Google is on them.'Librarian: 'Okay.''--'Librarian: '--''--'Librarian: 'Enjoy your day!”
Gina Sheridan, I Work at a Public Library: A Collection of Crazy Stories from the Stacks“Note found in the patron suggestion box:"You have SIGNS up near the computers that say BE QUIET, but people don't be quiet. They laugh out loud and talk out loud. Libraries used to be quiet, but they aren't anymore because you let all the assholes in!!!!!”
Gina Sheridan, I Work at a Public Library: A Collection of Crazy Stories from the Stacks