“I think one of the great things about being a musician is that you never stop learning.”
Yo-Yo Ma“I think anybody who goes away finds you appreciate home more when you return.”
Yo-Yo Ma“I think that peace is, in many ways, a precondition of joy.”
Yo-Yo Ma“Things can fall apart, or threaten to, for many reasons, and then there's got to be a leap of faith. Ultimately, when you're at the edge, you have to go forward or backward; if you go forward, you have to jump together.”
Yo-Yo Ma“Passion is one great force that unleashes creativity, because if you're passionate about something, then you're more willing to take risks.”
Yo-Yo Ma“Good things happen when you meet strangers.”
Yo-Yo Ma“Mastering music is more than learning technical skills. Practicing is about quality, not quantity. Some days I practice for hours; other days it will be just a few minutes.”
Yo-Yo Ma“I think one of the great things about being a musician is that you never stop learning.”
Yo-Yo Ma“Music has always been transnational; people pick up whatever interests them, and certainly a lot of classical music has absorbed influences from all over the world.”
Yo-Yo Ma“The tango is really a combination of many cultures, though it eventually became the national music of Argentina.”
Yo-Yo Ma“I think of a piece of music as something that comes alive when it is being performed, and I feel that my role in the transmission of music is to be its best advocate at that moment.”
Yo-Yo Ma