“In the underworld, reality itself has elastic properties and is capable of being stretched into different definitionsof the truth.”
Roderick Vincent“Writing is taking human experience and wrapping it up into a package of your own ideas and hoping someone will pull the bow smiling on top to see what's hiding inside.”
Roderick Vincent“But this is deception. It’s moving very fast, and just because you can’t see and feel it, doesn’t mean it’s not the truth.”
Roderick Vincent, The Cause“Are you a man with a conscience, or just a shark who will die when you stop moving forward?”
Roderick Vincent, The Cause“We are living in a world where moral climates have no atmosphere.”
Roderick Vincent, The Cause“In the underworld, reality itself has elastic properties and is capable of being stretched into different definitionsof the truth.”
Roderick Vincent, The Cause