“In these circumstances they did what most of us do, and, being ignorant of the truth, persuaded themselves into believing what they wished to believe.”
Arrian“In my opinion, at least, the splendid achievements of Alexander are the clearest possible proof that neither strength of body, nor noble blood, nor success in war even greater than Alexander's own... that none of these things, I say, can make a man happy, unless he can win one more victory in addition to those the world thinks so great---the victory over himself.”
Arrian“Cam's wings were so bright they were almost blinding as they pulsed. "Holy Hell," Callie whispered, blinking."More or less," Arriane said”
Lauren Kate, Torment“Most people, if they know they have done wrong, foolishly suppose they can conceal their error by defending it, and finding a justification for it; but in my belief there is only one medicine for an evil deed, and that is for the guilty man to admit his guilt and show that he is sorry for it. Such an admission will make the consequences easier for the victim to bear, and the guilty man himself, by plainly showing his distress at former transgressions, will find good grounds of hope for avoiding similar transgressions in the future.”
Arrian, The Campaigns of Alexander“It is more disgraceful for a king to tell lies than anyone else.”
Arrian, The Campaigns of Alexander“In these circumstances they did what most of us do, and, being ignorant of the truth, persuaded themselves into believing what they wished to believe.”
Arrian, The Campaigns of Alexander“Do not try to lead men who are unwilling to follow you; if their heart is not in it, you will never find the old spirit or the old courage.”
Arrian, The Campaigns of Alexander“One should not inquire too closely where ancient legends about the gods are concerned”
many things which reason rejects acquire some color of probability once you bring a god into the story