“It is no use painting the foot of the tree white, the strength of the bark cries out from beneath the paint.”
Aime Cesaire“It is no use painting the foot of the tree white, the strength of the bark cries out from beneath the paint.”
Aime Cesaire“Alas! There's no one in hell ... all the devils are here!”
Aimé Césaire“Prospero, you are the master of illusion.Lying is your trademark.And you have lied so much to me(Lied about the world, lied about me)That you have ended by imposing on meAn image of myself.Underdeveloped, you brand me, inferior,That s the way you have forced me to see myselfI detest that image! What’s more, it’s a lie!But now I know you, you old cancer,And I know myself as well.”
Aimé Césaire, A Tempest“Écoutez le monde blanchorriblement las de son effort immenseses articulations rebelles craquer sous les étoiles duresses raideurs d'acier bleu transperçant la chair mystiqueécoute ses victoires proditoires trompeter ses défaitesécoute aux alibis grandioses son piètre trébuchementPitié pour nos vainquers omniscients et naïfs !”
Aimé Césaire, Cahier d'un retour au pays natal