“Let me live my final days whole.Let my memory remain that I might know love's face.Life don't unwrap me to be fed to scavengers.I want to escape into light - not exist in darkness.”
Susie Clevenger“There is only one you. Stop trying to devalue yourself by trying to be a copy of someone else.”
Susie Clevenger“A dream doesn't die because it has no truth. It dies because you fail to nurture it.”
Susie Clevenger“I didn't know the demonsthat walked across your memory.They came from the dustwhen you were at peacein your grave.”
Susie Clevenger, Dirt Road Dreams“I am a butterfly poetbirthed from painflying with the freedomof my verses.”
Susie Clevenger, Dirt Road Dreams“If there is passion, let me feel its heat.I want my heart to beat fast,my breath raspy, my skin to burn.”
Susie Clevenger, Dirt Road Dreams“I am lost in my world,invisible - unknown.Moon please lend meyour light that someonewill me see me.”
Susie Clevenger, Dirt Road Dreams“I now know how your angercame from skeletonsthat rattled in your heartand you couldn't escape them.”
Susie Clevenger, Dirt Road Dreams“I seek to be moved, my imagination reborn.Let me feast on poems that feed my hunger.”
Susie Clevenger, Dirt Road Dreams“Let me live my final days whole.Let my memory remain that I might know love's face.Life don't unwrap me to be fed to scavengers.I want to escape into light - not exist in darkness.”
Susie Clevenger, Dirt Road Dreams“But the walls of my resolvemortared with stubbornnesshave been breached by circumstancesI cannot handle alone.”
Susie Clevenger, Dirt Road Dreams