“May this night come wearing drunk cloak of love, carrying passionate desires, and intoxication of love! Tonight, may I get so drunk in love that I do not see any dreams!”
Suman Pokhrel“Why say then Buddha never carried gun? he didn't play piano, we do not know of him making pictures either.”
Suman Pokhrel“Every morningI wake up with the newsof bloodshed.I feel my body,desperate to know whetherI’m still alive.”
Suman Pokhrel“When this flood blocks the road I am worried more by my soil getting washed, than by getting late to reach my destination.”
Suman Pokhrel“These heads sheltered by umbrellas be they of Zeb-un-Nisa, or Catherine of Cleopatra or Fenichka live with their own stories”
Suman Pokhrel“Let us be honest we have praised Angulimala, will make no difference If you convey my salute to Amrapali.”
Suman Pokhrel“In this atmosphere Where you have to go perennially crazy only to survive, Which auspicious moment should I choose to become mad?”
Suman Pokhrel“Should I ask everyone the question that should not have been asked? Or should I turning up to the sky be answering the question that’s not been asked?”
Suman Pokhrel