Maybe that's what love is. Having someone who guides you through different experiences, coaxes you to try news things but still makes you feel safe.

Maybe that's what love is. Having someone who guides you through different experiences, coaxes you to try news things but still makes you feel safe.

Wally Lamb
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I started writing because of a terrible feeling of powerlessness," the novelist Anita Brookner has said. The National Book Award winner Alice McDermott noted that the most difficult thing about becoming a writer was convincing herself that she had anything to say that people would want to read. "There's nothing to writing," the columnist Red Smith once commented. "All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.

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Accept what people offer. Drink their milkshakes. Take their love.

Wally Lamb
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That melting pot stuff was always more about what this country wanted to believe about itself than the way people really felt.

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Sometimes the closer we got to a situation, the less clear it looked.

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People walk in the door because they need you to take care of them -- to feed them or fix them.

Wally Lamb
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Is that what love is all about? Needing them to come back to you when they're away? To come home and keep you safe?

Wally Lamb
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Religion's just a well-oiled profit-driven denial of the randomness of it all.

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Change what you can, accept what you can’t, and be smart enough to know the difference

Wally Lamb, We Are Water
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We are like water, aren’t we? We can be fluid, flexible when we have to be. But strong and destructive, too.” And something else, I think to myself. Like water, we mostly follow the path of least resistance.

Wally Lamb, We Are Water
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Change what you can, accept what you can't, and be smart enough to know the difference.

Wally Lamb, We Are Water
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