“Most people in our world are just dreaming and having hope for something which will never happen, Maybe you want to know why? Cause they dream about peace so they are trying to do anything like making war, killing people and they have hope to get peace? But they will never get peace by making war, killing lots of people, destroying thair countries and spreading violence and hate among different nations which that is wrong dream and wrong hope cause i believe war was not, is not and will be never the way to get peace. There is only one way to earn peace or having peace and that is by respecting and loving every kinds of human being. Let's start loving and forgiving each other for whatever we did.”
Arash Tabish“They might say that i am crazy or out of my mind to made such decision in my life. But they need to remember that must think twice before once say. Cause it might hurt someone for no specific reason.”
Arash Tabish“The most beautiful period of time in our life are the ones which we understand that the problems are our own. and we should not blame other cause of our own problems, we need to realize that we are the one who control our own future, let's remember that maybe we will not have always a peaceful life and may not always be able to solve all of our problems that we face at once but we don't have to stop trying to find a solution way for it, we need to be positive and have courage and working hard to get what what we want cause i don't believe in excuses that most of us made but i believe in courage , being positive and hard working. Let's be positive and have courage.”
Arash Tabish“Please don't fool yourself cause you can't fool me. I know what exactly you think right now and i also know what excuses you will bring to cover your nasty lies, but never forget that i will never ever believe you.”
Arash Tabish“I believe in good memories. I like to have those memories again, i also believe in love, Honesty, Kindness and being loyal. my favorite memories was when me and my brother and sister were kids and palying football together, i remember we had lots of fun. specially me and my younger sister love to play computer game too, i still remember that we wanted so badly to play , i think that kids love to play, so i am going to say to all parents that let your kids enjoy their life, take care of them good and teach them to be kind, be honest, to love and respect others. it was an amazing time and amazing memories, it make me happy when i look back at those memories but it also make me sad cause i missed those memories .”
Arash Tabish“It make me upset, whenever i look back and think of old days, it bring me so many memories, i have done lots of mistakes,I made lots of people sad, but I have got a lot of great memories too, i had so many amazing days and wounderful memories but i also know which those days are over. i don't think i will let my self ever do so much terrible things, i want to change myself in a better shape, a better an understandable person, i want to be a good person, i want to love all humans beyond any condition, i believe they are all my brothers and sisters, no matter if they have different religions or they don't have any religion at all, i will keep loving them even if some of them hurt me, i will not allow myself to hurt them back cause i want to be a better person and i want to stay human, cause i believe we should not hurt each other even if they did, we should not do it back. Let's stay human.”
Arash Tabish“I know there are many people who don't like me for different reasons cause they feel hurted by me, i am sorry that they feel like that but they need to understand which i am not trying to hurt them or anyone else, i am just trying to do what is right thing, i try to encourage my fellow human to love each others unconditionally cause i do believe we are all each other brothers and sisters and i am trying to ask them to stop following those religious leaders, politics leaders and others which are spreading hate and violence or trying to stand a group of people against other groups which i believe most religious and politics leaders are busy doing that, most important i am asking my brothers and sisters to refuse pick up guns and go war cause God does not allow us to take away someone life but he asked us to resepect the life of others and to love each others uncoditionally so let's love our brothers and sisters like how God want us to do and let's live according God's principle which most important is love.”
Arash Tabish“Let's remember that God create us, showed us the right path and then He gave us free choices that mean, everyone of us on this earth has our free choices so we are here to live our life the way that we want not the way that other people expect us to live, neither we should think, feel or want that others live according our expectation.so remember well that if you want to live according what your believe then it is fine but you should never allow yourself to expect others to live according your believe or religion cause they don't believe what you believe neither they are Robot that need someone to control them.”
Arash Tabish“I think the world that we are living in has enough space and opportunities for all of us, we don’t need to fight with others, make war everywhere or destroy the life of someone else in order to get what we want, instead we need to be kind, be honest and be helpful to others and love them unconditionally. Let's remember that we need to work hard and have self confident in order to get what we want.”
Arash Tabish“I believe when i was born, i did not choose my family. but i also believe they are special gift of God for me so let's be kind, be honest and love them unconditionally, i also know in every family there are or there will some problems happen which the members of the family stop communicating with each but let's remember that pure love among the family member will be always there, Let's love our family, be honest and respect them and try to do our best to put smile on their face but not by hurting others.”
Arash Tabish“Something which is very much common in our society and our world at these days is that everyone worried and busy about stopping terrorism, let me to tell you that, Yes there is an easy way to stop Terrorism and that is by stop supporting terrorism, as we know everyone of us is responsible for our own future, we can make our future brighter or darker, we can make sure that we will have a peaceful future or a future full of problems and war, so we need to stop supporting terrorism and stop participating in it, cause we need to accept the fact that most of us from one way or another way supporting and participating terrorism so please stop supporting terrorism, Let's be positive and have hope for a better future and most important we need to refuse pick up guns and go war, remember we need to stay human cause i believe human Should not kill human. Let's refuse to pick up guns, go war and kill our fellow human beings.”
Arash Tabish