“I find talking difficult as my brain goes much faster than I can say the words. So most of the time my sentences are all jumbled up. That's why I have a collection of phrases I've stored and mostly just use those instead.”
TinaJ. Richardson“Dreaming is escaping. Daydreaming is a form of self protection. Dissociation is Survival”
TinaJ. Richardson“Standing alone, walking my own path. Rearranging my thoughts. Pushing worries away. Climbing out of the fog, towards freedom of mind.”
TinaJ. Richardson“I look out onto this world I'm in and hope that one day all people will be accepted and valued as they are.”
TinaJ. Richardson“Don't be sad that I'm autistic. Love me for who I am. All of me. Some things are difficult for me but I'm okay as I am.”
TinaJ. Richardson“That sad sinking feeling you get when you don't fit in even with other autistics”
TinaJ. Richardson