“Amidst all the criticisms and prejudgement in life, we should strive to do good in return; however small, instead of just turning your back against the world.”
Warren Cassell Jr., The Farm of Wisdom: 25 Unforgettable Tales that Will Ignite a Wiser You!“One who has a clear mind can never be fooled by his senses.”
Warren Cassell Jr., The Farm of Wisdom: 25 Unforgettable Tales that Will Ignite a Wiser You!“Through seeing the good in others, you also see the best within yourself.”
Warren Cassell Jr., The Farm of Wisdom: 25 Unforgettable Tales that Will Ignite a Wiser You!“Freedom of action is disguised as a freedom of discipline.”
Warren Cassell Jr., The Farm of Wisdom: 25 Unforgettable Tales that Will Ignite a Wiser You!