“Possibility, or what we refer to as imagination, is 99% imitation. The real deal is only 1%. The problem is, this 1% is simultaneously referred to as Evil.”
Kouhei Kadono“Justice might well prevail in the end, but ordinary people like me had no guarantee of surviving that long. We might get killed on the whim of some serial killer first.”
Kouhei Kadono, Boogiepop And Others“Humans do not possess a single, focused will. In their hearts, they have countless bugs, buzzing in all directions. There are times when all these bugs pounce on the same food, but when they are focused on different desires, people take actions that can only be described as incoherent.”
Kouhei Kadono, Boogiepop at Dawn“There's a bug inside you. Growing in you, eating everything you've forced yourself to forget, everything you don't want to think about. Your bug will decide your fate one day. And... chances are, you will die because of it.”
Kouhei Kadono, Boogiepop at Dawn“Possibility, or what we refer to as imagination, is 99% imitation. The real deal is only 1%. The problem is, this 1% is simultaneously referred to as Evil.”
Kouhei Kadono, Boogiepop Returns: Vs. Imaginator Part 1“Rather than ask yourself if you are correct, it is far more realistic to think about how you are mistaken. Most humans have not been designed to be right very often.”
Kouhei Kadono, Boogiepop the light novel Vol 2: Boogiepop Returns