Reason and logic, fused with intuition and empathy, equals awakened consciousness and spirituality.

Reason and logic, fused with intuition and empathy, equals awakened consciousness and spirituality.

Dara Reidyr
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Never be fooled that things are going well when the government seemingly gives out "goody bags" to the public. Those "goodies" are full of poison. They cannot simultaneously pass laws protecting one and then blast others through the media and have us think they are doing us a favor. They are lying psychopaths with an agenda. They may serve corporate masters but their still to blame and as long as the public goes along with them, they are also culpable. Only you can free yourself through freeing your mind.

Dara Reidyr
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There are those of us who nature is awakening to the secrets of the universe; apart from religious dogma or occult dabbling. It is Natural Law. It is awakening the minds and quickening the senses of those whom it's calling its descendants. Nature is fighting for its rightful place, which can never be fully usurped. Those who are most open to this knowledge are artists (poets, musicians, writers) who also happen to be free thinkers or "outsiders" to the system. We hear a voice that is calling us to waken to the secrets of the universe. Perhaps in some distant future, humanity will read of us; the ones who paved the way for this Pali or New Romanticism called the awakening unto Nature's Law. It won't be technology or software that paves the way, but nature. It won't allow itself to be destroyed, maybe uninhabitable for a time for humans, but never destroyed. There are those of us, the chosen few who are following the narrow path. We will be the future thinkers and writers who generations will read about that truly changed the world, and made a way where there seemingly was none.

Dara Reidyr
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One cannot be awake with an ignited consciousness without empathy for all life. You can claim spirituality, faith in a God, or haughty deeds, but to shuffle through life with no thought to the suffering of all life forms, shows the true evil nature of an individual and its disconnect from life. They are separated from creation and this powerful, eternal Universe.

Dara Reidyr
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This system that has been created for us, stifles the mind, thus why some suffer from mental illness; especially those who internalize their condition. To hold back a fluid being from mental development is asking for trouble. In anticipation of this, the creators of this chaotic system, thought to create a response to such a breakdown, and when society began to display such behaviors, they created mental illness diagnoses, so as to ensure that blame could be placed on the individual for their behavior. You cannot blame someone who might have developed into someone great, for the break down of their mental constitution; it's to be expected in such a system as we have.

Dara Reidyr
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To those who do not see, we are the enigma of society

Dara Reidyr
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As time heads towards the cliff of the unknown, there are those who will be hated and pushed to the fringes. Those who look inward will have the advantage; seeking fulfillment anywhere else will only lead to a dead end and disillusionment. Those who are marginalized, are also uniquely gifted- focus on those gifts that will speak to the truth of the matter and stand your ground. Your intuition and consciousness bears light to the truth.

Dara Reidyr
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Most of social media is simply a popularity contest. Well, I'm not here for the competition; I have important business and words of depth to change the course. So, while you follow the path of the ignorant, the rest of us will celebrate truth and the higher path.

Dara Reidyr
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It's not my fault you have the attention span of a gnat, capable of only thumbing through the crap on Facebook, instead of reading something of worth that can change your life. No, I'm not talking about Oprah's or Ellen's book either.

Dara Reidyr
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People love their causes they champion; they love their divisions and neatly packaged boxes of identity; for without them, they would be forced to look within, find themselves, set aside pettiness and face reality (that's quite frightening to most). As a result, they are like a lost ship at sea, forced to submit to the waves of society.

Dara Reidyr
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If you become too readily available to people, they begin to take you for granted; pull away, and they will clamor for you. It's a subconscious thing our society has created in the minds of the masses. This is why most of the "greats" didn't become recognized until after their deaths. If you're overlooked, rejoice, maybe your one of the future greats.

Dara Reidyr
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