Self-judgment clouds our mind with inescapable indictments.

Self-judgment clouds our mind with inescapable indictments.

Balroop Singh
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Laughter not only provides a cushion to our emotional hurts but also helps us in dealing with the jolts of life effectively.

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Happiness lies in our heart. We have to nurture it with blossoms of faith and steady stream of goodness to brush aside the thistles of everyday strife.

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I have always lived in the present, accepted the misfortunes, made peace with the disappointments, delighted in its little blessings, found happiness in whatever the present moment has offered and sat in the shade of sadness to let the dark moments pass by.

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My own personality, which was molded by the furnace of time and circumstances… strengthened by the touchstone of varied experiences, has changed a bit due to the benevolence and graciousness of people around me but I have never felt trapped in the nets of influence.

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