“...suddenly I got shivers down my spine thinking about how many different people one and the same person can be.”
Janne Teller“From the moment we are born, we begin to die.”
Janne Teller, Nothing“The rose, however, made us girls somewhat fainthearted, because it really was something we felt mattered, the white bridal dream with the wedding bouquet and the kiss from the man who was to be ours forever. But then Laura said that the lady who had given it to us had gotten divorced only five years later. And since many of our parents were also divorce, if indeed they had ever been married at all, that dream clearly wasn't worth our time.”
Janne Teller“If something's worth getting upset about, then there must be something worth getting happy about. And if something's worth getting happy about, then there must be something that matters. But there isnt!.. In a few years you'll all be dead and forgotten and diddly-squat, nothing, so you might just as well start getting used to it!”
Janne Teller, Nothing“It's all a waste of time. Everything begins only to end. The moment you were born you began to die. That's how it is with everything.”
Janne Teller, Nothing“The reason dying is so easy is because death has no meaning... And the reason death has no meaning is because life has no meaning. All the same, have fun!”
Janne Teller, Nothing“...suddenly I got shivers down my spine thinking about how many different people one and the same person can be.”
Janne Teller, Nothing