“Teaching Career does not begin with the completion of graduation and post graduation and attaining a degree – it begins the moment one starts caring about learners.”
Kavita Bhupta Ghosh“Teaching Career does not begin with the completion of graduation and post graduation and attaining a degree – it begins the moment one starts caring about learners.”
Kavita Bhupta Ghosh, Wanted Back-Bencher and Last-Ranker Teacher“Teaching is not about how we see things, it is about how children see things.”
Kavita Bhupta Ghosh, Wanted Back-Bencher and Last-Ranker Teacher“A classroom is like a Greenhouse where the teacher must provide essential amenities like knowledge and life-skill with patience and empathy, control temperatures and provide adequate ventilation to release unwanted energies for everyone and everything to bloom.”
Kavita Bhupta Ghosh, Wanted Back-Bencher and Last-Ranker Teacher