That is the beauty of reading a meaningful quote. Just as it is with the spirit of our hearts, sometimes we must feed the doves in order to hear them sing.

That is the beauty of reading a meaningful quote. Just as it is with the spirit of our hearts, sometimes we must feed the doves in order to hear them sing.

Jason Versey
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When you maintain bitterness and contempt towards someone, you’re actually binding yourself to them. You’ve given them a foothold in your life with an emotional connection that is stronger than any prison cell. It’s a jail sentence of solitary anger and animosity. Forgiveness is the ONLY thing that breaks that emotional bond. It’s the key that sets you free. ~Jason Versey

Jason Versey
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Are we bombs or balms? Let’s face it. Any time of year can bring happiness or hardships. Financial stress, marital/relational strife, and extended family dysfunction can all be compounding pressures that can make our tempers react and explode like a bomb. When we respond in this fashion it dramatically intensifies these already difficult situations and creates massive emotional destruction with the collateral damage always being the ones we say we love. It destroys, maims, and kills our relationships. Blowing up is often a selfish, immature response to our stresses and should always be avoided. James 1:19-20 says “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” Therefore, instead I encourage us all to be more like balms. A balm is like a gentle word that protects and soothes an already irritated situation with understanding and forgiveness. It provides relief and healing when applied generously. When we lay ourselves down like a balm of love we give our families a tender calming cover from the worries of this world and that’s the greatest gift we can offer them…anytime of the year. ~Jason Versey

Jason Versey
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Worry is the enemy of optimism and personal progress. ~Jason Versey

Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
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Sometimes, simply having the courage to let go. ~Jason Versey

Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
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Think less of yourself and more of others…and others will think more of you. ~Jason Versey

Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
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Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm, passion and love. Not professionally or personally. We will not find greatness in our jobs, in our marriages, our children, in our friendships, nor in our spiritual growth without these three key elements. ~ Jason Versey

Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
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Beyond the shadows of our doubt lies an ocean of extraordinary possibilities; things that could have been or could be; if we had the faith to see them through. Our doubts betray and deflect us from our true selves and deprive us of our chances to love, to achieve, to trust, or to know what we’re truly capable of…all because we confide in our fears rather than endeavor towards our rightful providences. ~Jason Versey

Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
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Every great accomplishment has its share of struggle, adversity and pain. Great achievement cannot exist without them. To reap the rewards of success in our marriages, in the lives of our children, and in our professional careers we must be prepared to push through some pretty tough moments. But trust me... on the other side of that struggle awaits an intrinsic reward that is worth more than gold. ~Jason Versey

Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
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If we internalize every disappointing setback with contempt and self-loathing, a life of solitary confinement and discontentment awaits us. It’s a verdict indicted by a prosecution, deliberated by a jury and condemned by a judge…all three being you. We imprison ourselves when we allow outside negative circumstances and people dictate who we are. You can dwell in that cell…but only you can exonerate you. ~Jason Versey

Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
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Trying to effect change in others is a lost cause especially if you are unwilling to first change yourself. It’s easier to focus on other people’s issues or shortcomings rather than look inward. It’s counter-productive to try to clean someone else’s house, while your house is a disaster. Not to mention, hypocritical. Start with yourself and then worry about others. ~Jason Versey

Jason Versey, A Walk with Prudence
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