“The bereaved need more than just the space to grieve the loss. They also need the space to grieve the transition.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell“A true leader inspires by being among the people, not above them.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell“When we write with power and authenticity, it opens the door to our hearts and invites others in. When we're brave, we make others brave. Brave is good.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell“When people told me I was so strong for surviving my daughter’s death, I wanted to scream. But the truth is that deep inside we are far more resilient, brave, and incredibly strong for having survived at all. So scream, be brave, and embrace your power. It will become your biggest asset.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell“One dream can change your destiny.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell“Not every day is beautiful. But there is beauty in every day.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell“Inside every human is a story worth sharing. What's your story?”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell“Sharing your story is a courageous step towards healing your own heart.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell“She who heals herself, heals others.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell“Hugs are nourishment for the heart.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell“I carry your kindness wherever I go. That way your love touches far more than just me.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell