“The climber, like a fox which is hard-pressed, should always have one more trick in his bag.”
Whipplesnaith“It is the conquest of this fear that adds half the charm to climbing.”
Whipplesnaith“Lest others should attempt the ascent of this terrible climb and perish, they swore themselves to secrecy (telling only enough people to ensure the perpetuation of their epic) and went off to try Everest instead.”
Whipplesnaith“Sometimes those experiences crowd back upon the memory, and the past flashes back like a distant peak momentarily lighted up by sunbeam piercing through the clouds. Then oblivion again. Strange it is how the prosaic present may hide the exciting past.”
Whipplesnaith“That time when past begins to look longer than the future”
Whipplesnaith, The Night Climbers Of Cambridge“The climber, like a fox which is hard-pressed, should always have one more trick in his bag.”
Whipplesnaith, The Night Climbers Of Cambridge